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Employee Rating Application


Our US-based client aimed to develop an application that manages and keeps a track of employee work, behavior and performance. The client wanted to develop a performance tracking application for the local business that would rate their employees. This will reduce clients' manual work and simply ensure the right performer gets great benefits.

The mobile application has a wide range of goal and objectives out of which the prime considerations are listed below:

  • Maintaining dual accountability for the user as well as for owners or managers
  • Differentiate the regular location with the rated location
  • Integration of Google Map API to get the local business details
  • To generate the nearby facility accurate user location fetching
  • Handling the database differently for the user as well as for business administrative
  • Performance management with a lower speed of data packet
  • Enrich the experience of User Interface and attract the user
  • CRUD operation for a business administrative person
  • Generate the rewards based on the reviews


  • Operating System:

    iOS 7.0+

  • Database:

    Microsoft SQL

  • Device Suppor:


  • Tools & Technologies:

    Xcode and Swift


Mobile Application offers a wide range of facilities to the administrative and to users, both will be able to interact with the application. The administrative person will handle the employee's details with business availability on maps. Managers can check the ratings of the users. This helps him in maintaining the reputation of the firm along with the reviews of his employee force. Users will get a good and well-behaved list of hotels to enjoy their meals. The user can get discount or rewards from the platform after giving the ratings. Thus to save the image of the business this platform will also help to understand the reasons behind lower ratings. A platform will help small and local businessman and restaurant owners or manager.

Key features:

  • User as well as Administrative can login through the same application
  • Employees details with three categories to rate i.e. Attitude, Speed and Knowledge to check overall ratings
  • Nearby facility to check and find local premises based on location
  • Differentiate the rated restaurants and the one which doesn't have ratings
  • Feedback rewards to the user through the application
  • Facility to add the new premises or restaurant for manager or owner
  • Employees can be added, updated and deleted from the list
  • The user can manage their favoritism about restaurants
  • Attractive and easy user interface for both of the users


This application helps those local businesses and restaurants to check the performance of any employee. The application will allow the user to rate based on some criteria and in return will receive some rewards from the platform, too. To maintain the value and reputation of the restaurants, this application becomes the helper for the businessman. The application will help to amplify the quality of any local business.

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